Monday, February 27, 2017

Product, Price, Placement, Promotion: Can Your Business Survive Without Them?

Retail is unforgiving. It makes no exceptions for holidays, offers no accommodations for special occasions and is undaunted by personal limitations. In fact, the fiercely competitive climate of the retail world is an unmistakable variant of social Darwinism. The best stores will thrive, beating out weaker, less amenable, or simply less attractive ones.

What does a store do if it lacks intellectual property or a monopolistic edge, thereby negating the possibility of compelling foot traffic premised on advantageous product? Or if its pricing is not low enough to be considered penetration due to a lack of economies of scale, yet premium pricing cannot be garnered due to a USP-lacking product? And if its location is nestled within the confines of a shopping mall, rather than showcased under the glimmering lights of Fifth Avenue? Can it even compete, or survive, if its promotional arsenal is bound by a profitability threshold to appease its commercial banker, subsequently inhibiting ad campaigns of any substance?

In this hypothetical, the ubiquitous four Ps of Marketing 101 -- product, price, placement, promotion -- would dictate that this retail operation would acquiesce like the lame gazelle of the retail safari, reaffirming that a Darwinian, survival of the fittest industry is a deeply unpleasant one to be in.

How can the aforementioned hypothetical business thrive, in light of being inundated with such barriers? The answer is SaaS -- Service (not software) as a Solution. I can declare this with confidence because that business is not quite hypothetical. Rather, it’s the store whose doors I proudly open most mornings.

At ROYCE, we put our emphasis on service because on paper, it costs little to smile, hold a door, demonstrate compassion, convey technical knowledge on product and carry a conversation. Undeniably, being open 365 days a year can be leveraged as possibly our biggest source of differentiation, particularly in our overly saturated monogramming industry that surprisingly does not work on Sundays.

We make a promise -- no, a guarantee -- to our clients. Come to our store between 11 am and 7 pm, and we will be there. Always. “Rain, snow, sleet or shine…” goes the mantra of the U.S. Post Office, and it applies to us at ROYCE as well. Our outlook is that while being open every day is great, being open consistently, regardless of conditions out of our control, is exceptional. One could argue that it is counterintuitive that a small family business would appear so capitalist in its ethos, remaining open even on federal holidays. The thinking would be that the store would be more employee-oriented, closing to recognize holidays that coalesce families. However, reliability is something we hold dear to our hearts, as we also do with inclusiveness, wanting to provide a haven for consumers who may not engage in particular holidays.

Nevertheless, upholding that advantage is also the leading source of disappointed family members, frustrated spouses and puzzled friends. Especially when that Sunday lands on Super Bowl Sunday! A seismic wave of unrest ensues every year, despite the egalitarian way (drawing straws) in which we select who oversees the store on Super Bowl Sunday. I worked the store last year, thus precluding me from being in the drawing this year. John, a diehard Falcons fan, was randomly chosen, and the cheerful color on his face quickly evaporated. He’s a proud man, but if I was not mistaken, I could hear him hold back tears. This was his year -- the second time in Falcons history they had made the Super Bowl -- and after several worthy foes, I was not going to get in the way of John.

So, I took it upon myself to manage the store again this year, serving as entertainment for a handful of Americans and a few Australian tourists not fazed by football, witty ads or a Lady Gaga performance. I probably made $400 that day, nothing that would sway the profitability barometer in one direction or the other.

Service as a Solution entails seeing employees as more than a balance sheet liability and customers as more than a balance sheet asset. A manager must service both the customer and the employee. Substituting myself for John gave me the opportunity to embody our sense of inclusiveness, and more importantly, to convey that we do not just take care of those in front of the counter, but those behind it as well.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

How Much Should Small Businesses Spend on Digital Marketing in 2017?

    A few decades ago, marketing and advertising meant putting up bill boards and buying radio or TV placement ads. A company’s marketing budget was dedicated to producing these awesome posters, pamphlets and jingles. Fast-forward a couple of years and a lot -- if not all -- has changed. Now, this marketing budget, regardless of size, should be focused on social, search, email and mobile.

    The statistics are proof of this shift in marketing budget: for nearly half a decade, investments in traditional advertising have consistently dropped by single digit percentages each year. Digital marketing spending, by comparison, has consistently grown by double digit increments year after year. So, how much should small businesses spend on digital marketing in 2017? This article provides information that can guide you through setting up your marketing budget and where to invest those marketing dollars.

    Statistics of digital marketing budget

    Email, social, display ads, mobile and search are all growing in 2017. Digital is now at $75,000 a year, or 35% percent of all marketing spend on average for companies. Companies are shifting more and more money to digital because of it’s perceive R.O.I., and the ability to spend less for more return.

    “Digital marketing is vital for SMBs and our survey numbers bear that out,” said Simon Grabowski, GetResponse CEO and founder. “Marketers are investing accordingly, given the substantial return on investment delivered through web-based campaigns.” According to GetResponse, 70 percent of small to medium sized businesses said they will increase their digital/web-based marketing budgets this year. Furthermore, SMB marketing statistics available from 2016 indicate that 62 percent of small businesses are investing 4 percent or more of their revenue in marketing.

    BrightLocal conducted an insightful piece of research into the attitudes toward and usage of Digital Marketing by SMBs. Key findings include:

    The average SMB spends $400/month on marketing.
    SMBs spend on average 46 percent of their marketing budget on digital marketing.
    78 percent of SMBs think that mobile marketing is an important channel for their business.

    Budget allocation for digital marketing channels

    According to GetResponse, social, mobile and email are at the forefront of digital marketing spending this year. More specifically, 59 percent of SMBs said marketing on social networks, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter will be the primary spending focus. The next channel projected to drive digital marketing spend in 2017 is mobile marketing (50 percent) -- either app or web-based -- followed by email marketing (42 percent). The other important digital channels include, video production, search marketing, content creation, data analysis and website maintenance. A report from Forrester Research, on the other hand, estimates that search engine marketing will capture the largest share of online spend.

    Overall, the chart below from 2016 shows strong increases in digital channel investment. Of the five digital marketing strategies represented, each expected to see at least a 42 percent increase in investment.


    How much should you spend on digital marketing this year? What is the right allocation for digital marketing spend of total marketing budgets and on what channels should it be spent? These are important questions to tackle in 2017. When making decisions for your business, consider these takeaways:

    Marketing budgets are increasing overall
    Marketing spend is shifting from traditional advertising channels to digital channels
    Social, mobile, email and search marketing represent the lion’s share of the digital marketing budget
    Total marketing budgets are between 4 percent and 12 percent of total revenue
    Smaller companies spend more on marketing as a percentage of their total revenue
    B2Cs and online companies spend more on marketing compared to B2Bs